Saturday, February 28

Frieda Pinto to star in a Woody Allen film

After Slumdog Millionaire bagged 8 Oscars at the Academy Awards, Frieda Pinto has reached her claws deep into the heart of Hollywood and grabbed one of the best directors yet, Woody Allen. That’s right Frieda Pinto has bagged herself a role in Woody Allen’s next film.

The Indian born actress is overwhelmed with all the attention she has been receiving after Slumdog and is very busy trying to figure out a career for herself in Hollywood. Woody Allen is synonymous with films like Annie Hall, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Husbands and Wives and Bullets Over Broadway.

Frieda Pinto is currently really trying to avoid all Indian media with all the rumours of her being married and all.

Frieda is currently is LA where the Oscar week is on, she’s trying to get some rest and more over some privacy. “Let Frieda have her privacy please” cries out a very concerned sister Sharon Pinto.

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